Workshops, guest lectures and conferences
- 30/1/2009 Ghent University: Workshop/Journée d'études "Défis de l'étude des communautés religieuses/Challenges in the study of religious communal life".
- 15/6/2009 Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3: "Atelier de recherches "Conventus"".
- 19/6/2009 Strasbourg, Université Marc Bloch – Strasbourg: International conference ‘Les personnes d’autorité en milieu régulier (des origines de la vie régulière au XVIIIe siècle)’ (two members participating, one organizing).
- 3/7/2009 Ghent University: Guest lecture by Conventus-fellow Scott Bruce.
- 14/10/2009 KULeuven: Guest lecture by Conventus-member Charles Mériaux: "Fondations monastiques, culte des saints et compétitions aristocratiques. A propos des origines du comté de Flandre (IXe-Xe siècles)".
- 23/10/2009 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: conference "Ecclesia in medio nationis. Religious communities and the "outside world" in the central middle ages".
- 23/1/2010: NIAS (Wassenaar): Joint lecture by Arnoud-Jan-Bijsterveld and Steven Vanderputten: "Why laymen repented. Instrumentalizing morality in Eleventh- and Early-Twelfth-Century Politics".
- 18/3/2010 Université de Paris I – Sorbonne: Guest seminar ‘Sese peccasse confessus est. L’instrumentalization de la moralité dans la gestion des conflits au XIe et XIIe siècle’ by Steven Vanderputten.
- 6/2010 German historical institute in Paris: guest lecture by Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld.
- 6/7/2010 Ghent University: guest lecture by Diane Reilly.
- 6-7/5/2010 Université Libre de Bruxelles: conference dedicated to the work of prof. Y. Morimoto.
- 9/7/2010 Ghent University: workshop on the Beginnings of Cistercian Monasteries. 13/7/2010 IMC Leeds: Conventus-session, with contributions by Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Steven Vanderputten, and Tjamke Snijders
- 20/10/2010 KULeuven: guest lecture by Steven Vanderputten for prof. Brigitte Meijns.
- 9/11/2010 Columbia university, New York: guest lecture in the Medieval Seminar Series by Steven Vanderputten.
- 26/11/2010 Ghent University: workshop on the Remembrance and Representation of Monastic Reform.
- 25/3/2011 Ghent University: first Celebrating Sanctity workshop.
- 9/5/2011 Ghent University: guest lecture by Bernard Muir (University of Melbourne): 'The digital analysis of manuscripts and editing in the digital age'
- 9/6/2011 KULeuven: workshop 'Doctoral research in monastic history: a status quaestionis for Belgium'
- 13/14/10/2011 Abdijmuseum Ten Duinen: international colloquium on monastic landscapes.
- 18-19/11/2011 Royal Academy in Brussels: international conference ‘Medieval Liège at the crossroads of Europe’ (see Announcements).
- 15/12/2011 VLAC (Brussels): joint lecture Conventus fellow Andrew Turner and Steven Vanderputten ‘Monasticism in the 10th to 12th centuries. The problem of reform.’
- 16/2/2012 Université de Rennes II: guest lecture by Steven Vanderputten.
- 21/3/2012 Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg: guest lecture by Steven Vanderputten for Benoît-Michel Tock.
- 11/4/2012 University of Indiana at Bloomington: guest lecture by Steven Vanderputten for Diane Reilly.
- 18-19/4/2012 KULeuven: guest lecture by Julia Smith (York) for Brigitte Meijns.
- 12/5/2012 Kalamazoo, International conference on medieval studies (with contributions by Brigitte Meijns and Steven Vanderputten).
- 23/5/2012 Ghent University: guest lecture by Lauren Mancia (Yale University).
- 3/7/2012 Brussels, VUB: workshop on current Conventus-research
- 11/7/2012 Leeds IMC: Conventus co-sponsored a session with Krijn Pansters and Isabelle Cochelin
- 17-18/9/2012 Conventus participated in the organisation of the masterclass 'Kerk en Religie' (Church and Religion) at the University of Antwerp. Keynote by Steven Vanderputten, contributions by Tjamke Snijders, Helena Vanommeslaeghe, Koen Vanheule, Ortwin Huysmans, Jelle Lisson.
- 18/10/2012 Journées Lotharingiennes, Walferdange: Conventus participated in the form of lectures by Tjamke Snijders, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld and Steven Vanderputten.
- 3/11/2012 Haskins society conference: lecture by Steven Vanderputten.
- 19/2/2013 Ghent University, Pirenne Lecture Series: guest lecture by Christina Lutter (Vienna).
- 19/3/2013 Ghent, Sint-Pietersabdij: ‘Vulferusdag Gent’ (contributions by Georges Declercq and Steven Vanderputten).
- 12/5/2013 Kalamazoo: Conventus sponsored one session on monastic reform.
- 4/6/2013 KULeuven: workshop ‘Current research on ecclesiastical history in the Low Countries during the high middle ages’.
- 2-3/7/2013 Leeds IMC: Conventus sponsors five sessions (one on mortification; four (in collaboration with Episcopus) on commemoration and identity-shaping in episcopal culture).
- 17-18/9/2013 Ghent University (in collaboration with Antwerp University and KULeuven): Masterclass ‘Culture and religion’ for doctoral students
- 12/10/2013 Dresden, Humboldt Society of Dresden/Freiberg/Chemnitz: guest lecture by Steven Vanderputten.
- 15/10/2013 Ghent University, Pirenne Seminar Series: guest lecture by Gert Melville (Dresden).
- 15/11/2013 Lille 3 (in collaboration with Ghent University): 'Gesta episcoporum Cameracensium. Mémoire et identité en Lotharingie au début du XIe siècle'
- 31/10/2013 University of Göttingen: guest lecture by Steven Vanderputten.
- nov/dec 2013 Ghent University: guest seminars by Xavier Hermand (Namur) and Benoît-Michel Tock (Strasbourg).
- 5-6/12/2013 KULeuven: international conference 'Shaping Authority. How did a person become an authority in antiquity, in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance?’ (as co-sponsor).
- 9/1/2014 Technische Universität Dresden: Conventus and FOVOG will jointly organize an international workshop on symbolic behavior in the context of reform
- "Coenobia. Répertoire des établissements religieux dans l'espace lotharingien (VIIe-XIIe s.)" in collaboration with Jens Schneider (Université de Marné-la-Vallée) and the Université de Luxembourg (U.R. IPSE), le Centre Luxembourgeois de Documentation et d'Études Médiévales (CLUDEM).
- (as co-sponsor) Ghent University (BOF), ‘Pirenne consortium for medieval studies’.
- "The Peace as an Instrument of Social Competition: Towards a Non-Homeostatic Interpretation of Political Relations in the Central Middle Ages (Western Europe, late tenth-early twelfth centuries)" (Steven Vanderputten (UGent), co-promotor: Brigitte Meijns (KULeuven)).
- “Ritual scripting as work in progress: codifying rituals of conflict and reconciliation in the medieval West (tenth-twelfth centuries).” (Steven Vanderputten (UGent)).
- "Celebrating Sanctity sanctity in the Medieval West: a multidisciplinary approach to the shaping of collective identities" (Steven Vanderputten, Diane Reilly, Max Martens, Peter Vandenabeele, Jeroen Deploige, Tjamke Snijders, Pieter Mannaerts, Susan Boynton).
- "Monastic leadership in the post-charismatic age: constructing a new paradigm for the study of reforms before the emergence of the great Orders (Western Europe, tenth-early twelfth centuries)" (Steven Vanderputten (UGent), co-promotor: Brigitte Meijns (KULeuven)).
- "”Flandria Sacra”. Répertoire bibliographique des établissements religieux médiévaux de la Flandre et des principautés périphériques (dans les limites de la France actuelle, 700-1200)" (Charles Mériaux (Lille), Brigitte Meijns (Leuven) and Steven Vanderputten (Ghent)).
- "Ritual and space in the central middle ages": collaborative VNC-fellowship of Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld and Steven Vanderputten at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences (NIAS) in Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
- "Heresy in eleventh-century Arras and its social backgrounds": collaborative project by Diane Reilly (Indiana) and Steven Vanderputten (Ghent).
- "An Update of Narrative Sources", UGent HERCULES-project of Prof. Deploige, with B. Meijns and S. Vanderputten acting as co-promotors.
- Benoît-Michel Tock has used the Conventus-network to develop within the research group "ARCHE. Arts, civilisation, histoire de l'Europe" a programme regarding medieval monasticism. He has also launched an edition project relating to the charters of the abbey of Quincy.
Selected Publications
- Brigitte Meijns and Steven Vanderputten ed., Ecclesia in medio nationis. Reflections on the study of monasticism in the central Middle Ages, Leuven, 2011.
- Steven Vanderputten, Tjamke Snijders and Jay Diehl ed., Medieval Liège at the Crossroads of Europe. Monastic Society and Culture, 1000-1300, Turnhout, Brepols, accepted for publication.
- Steven Vanderputten and Diane Reilly, Acta Synodi Atrebatensis, Vitae Autberti et Gaugerici episcoporum et varia documenta miscellanea ex officina Gerardi episcopi Cameracensis, Brepols, Corpus Christianorum, accepted for publication.
- Steven Vanderputten and Tjamke Snijders Stability and transformation in the cult of an early medieval saint: the case of Bishop Folcuin of Thérouanne († 855), Studi Medievali, in press.
- Steven Vanderputten and A.J. Bijsterveld, Penitential Discourse and Conflict Management in the Late-Eleventh- and Early-Twelfth-Century Southern Low Countries, Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, 90 (2012), 471-492.
- Diane Reilly and Steven Vanderputten Reconciliation and recordkeeping: heresy, civic dissent and the exercise of episcopal authority in eleventh-century Cambrai, Journal of Medieval History, 37 (2011), 343-357.
- Steven Vanderputten and Brigitte Meijns, Realities of Reformist Leadership in Early Eleventh-Century Flanders. The Case of Leduin, Abbot of Saint-Vaast, Traditio, (2010), 47-74.
- Steven Vanderputten and Brigitte Meijns, Gérard de Brogne en Flandre. Etat de la question sur les réformes monastiques du dixième siècle, Revue du Nord, 385 (2010), 271-295.
- 1/6-10/7/2009 Conventus-fellowship of prof. dr. Scott Bruce.
- 1/9/2009-28/1/2010 Joint VNC-project of Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld and Steven Vanderputten at the NIAS (the Netherlands).
- 1/7-31/7/2010 Conventus-fellowship of prof. dr. Diane Reilly.
- 1/9/2011-28/2/2012 Conventus/VLAC-fellowship of dr. Andrew Turner and Steven Vanderputten at the VLAC (Brussels).
- 10-17/4/2012 Visting Fellowship of Steven Vanderputten at the IAS of Indiana University (Bloomington).
- 24/2-24/3/2012 Conventus-fellowship of dr. Jörg Sonntag.
- 1-30/6/2013 Conventus-fellowship of prof. Jay Diehl.